Whether you are jetting off to sunnier climes or staying at home, see our top tips on Summer Health and be prepared for all eventualities:


  • Travel Health Kit

Your travel health kit should include: Antiseptic, Antihistamines, Insect repellent, Anti-diarrhoea pills, Gauze squares, Non-adherent dressings, Bandages, Fabric plasters, Adhesive tape, Scissors, Tweezers, Safety pins and Tick removers.

In addition you could also include Rehydration sachets – these help replace fluids and salts lost through diarrhoea, vomiting and too much sun.

  • Heat

Remember the very young and old are vulnerable when it gets hot.  Make sure that everyone keeps hydrated with plenty of water (avoid tea, coffee and alcohol).

Stay out of the sun and avoid the heat – don’t go out between 11am and 3pm (the hottest part of the day).  If you have to go out – wear loose, cool clothing, and a hat.

  • Sun Safety – prevention

Pack a ‘broad spectrum’ sunscreen to protect against both UVA and UVB rays.  Use sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15. The higher the SPF, the better.

Remember to reapply regularly.

  • Sunburn

If you do get sunburnt – painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, will ease the pain by helping to reduce the inflammation. Apply soothing after sun, calamine lotion or aloe vera. If you feel unwell or the skin swells badly or blisters, seek medical help. Stay out of the sun until all signs of redness have gone.

  • Medication

If you are on medication always bring extra supplies in case you get delayed on your return.

  • Drink wisely

Cocktails are always a treat especially when on holiday, but remember cocktails are also packed with lbl40-peopleraisingglassescalories. For a lighter alternative, consider white wine spritzers, light beers or even vodka and soda.

  • Stay hydrated

On any long journey, but especially on planes, the low humidity makes air in planes dry which make us more vulnerable to bugs and viruses. Make sure you drink plenty of water as it will help keep bugs out of your system.

  • Don’t aggravate your gut

Even on holiday there is no excuse to treat your gut badly – Dr Nick Read’s advice on keeping your gut healthy can be found here:  http://bit.ly/1CLpwj7


For further information see the NHS Choices Summer Health guides here:  http://bit.ly/1rj1Lb2